Very articulate, thanks for sharing your story. I personally dont think 'Jimmy the mod' is a doppelganger for Pete. In truth, Tommy (from the rock opera of that name) is more of a representation of Pete. Just like the would-be messiah, Pete overcome early, family-based trauma and became a famous idol. Jimmy the mod is more of an anonymous lad, trying to find what is truly 'his' in this world while dealing with mental health issues. Since Jimmy has four separate personalities, he is a doppelganger not so much for Pete as an individual but the band as a whole - and maybe the Mods as a culture.

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I also don’t think he is a doppelgänger for Pete. Quadrophrenia feels like a combination of nostalgia and teenage angst that Pete likes to write about so much. His obsession with identity is informed by his trauma as a child which he manages to parlay into a period piece. I always felt the four personalities he meant to present the band were tenuous and a bit ambiguous. Still his greatest work, in my opinion. Thanks.

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